Sam Beggins

Designer. Photographer. Traveler.

Tour update from Durham, NC

Samantha BegginsComment

I'm writing from a hotel room rented for the day while we are on an off-day in Durham, North Carolina. The band and some crew members flew to NY for an extra show, and the rest of us got an off day and are meeting them in NY for tomorrow's show at Webster Hall. We're all pretty excited about hitting the bigger market shows and are looking forward to the next few days. So far I've been with them for their shows in Carrboro, NC and Athens, GA. Travelling on the bus has been good and even though there's 13 of us, it hasn't gotten too crazy. 

Show days are fun. We all wake up, do our thing in the morning- usually scoping out the nearest place we can get coffee- and gather for load-in, I take pictures of the crew doing their thing, and then sound check happens, more photos, then back stage hangs/getting ready, more photos, and the show time, more photos, and then after show/load out/meet fans, more photos. I find time to edit photos and get them out after sound check and after the shows. Finding good internet is the struggle (it's taking about a million years to get these photos for this post uploaded).

Crew load-in / Cat's Cradle in Carrboro, NC.

Sound check / Cat's Cradle, NC

Show / Cat's Cradle, NC

Then we were in Athens, GA and the venue, 40 Watt Club, was decorated for Halloween. Athens is college town and it really is a neat little place. 

Beau Kuther / drums / hanging out 

Show / 40 Watt Club, Athens GA

Meeting fans after the show //  40 Watt Club

After hitting New York, Boston, Philadelphia, DC and Chicago I will have some awesome content. Stay tuned. 

For those of you who don't know the band I'm traveling with- here.